Yesterday I watched the twelfth, and final, episode of the animated adaptation of the Shin Megami Tensei spin-off video game "Devil Survivor 2" (which, at the time of this posting, I've still haven't beaten yet)...
Click the link below if you still wish to continue.
The thoughts, rants, reactions (and the occasional web comic strips) of one specific fan of Anime, Manga, and Japanese Video Games; in other words, the American definition of the word "Otaku". Disclaimer: I do not own/have the rights to anything copyrighted and/or Restricted and/or Trademarked, not that this will really prevent copyright holders from suing me for more than everything I own.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Welcome Everybody...(descriptions for the sub-series of this blog)
...who'll actually read this. Hello, I'm Shimohi (at least that's what I call myself in most video games). As mentioned in the description I have some sub-series in this blog and It'll take up too much of the character limit to describe what these sub-series are all about so, hence the existence of this post. Now, without further ado, here we go...
- Shimohi
- Overthinking Things: This is the blogs alternate name, this is mostly my own attempts at providing tangential learning opportunities by typing about a connection between an anime/manga series, video game, or TV show (like some low, if any, rent version of the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series of Non-Fiction books).
- The End of (Title of TV Series or Game here): This is my reactions to the end of a series I've been watching and reflections on the series as a whole. Because I'm easy to entertain, but hard to impress, I don't think I can really call these type of posts 'reviews'. But if the Internet thinks it counts as a review, whatever. And, yes, the title of this sub-series is a Snowclone of the title of the move "The End of Evangelion".
- (Title of TV Series or Game) the First Impressions: This, in contrast to "The End of..." is my reactions to the first episode of a TV show (anime, live-action, or western animation) or the events of a game from start 'till the first time you can save (or just after the forced tutorial, whichever comes last), still keep in mind what I said about my ability to review in the above description for "The End of".
- Fan Fiction Spotlight: It is said that 90% of everything (including fan fiction) is crap. This sub-series is all about calling attention to the remaining 10% that makes the search worth it (at least in my opinion). Well...there is a type of fan fiction I read that will never, ever, ever, ever show up in this sub-series: Lemons. Just as it's said on the That Guy With The Glasses show, What the F*** is Wrong With You?, "Nobody wants to see your d***", nobody wants to know what kind of amateur porn I read.
- Random Rambling Rants: Exactly what it says on the tin, besides, I love alliteration! Post title format is "(beginning subject) to (ending subject)".
- This Week in (Title of video game here): Some video games don't have a concrete most MMOs or games like the Animal Crossing ("Dobutsu no Mori" in Japanese) series. So this actual record of the stuff that happens in that game.
- Pollnalysis: After the poll on this very blog is done gathering votes, I look at the results and this sub-series of posts are the result of said analysis.
- Visual Novelist: Text-based Let's Play sub-series about various visual novels, and it's not just Romance games either.
- PPS Officer: Short for "Pokemon Protective Services" (something I made up for a game of Pokemon Tabletop Adventures I'd like to run someday). A Let's Play sub-series all about the various games of the Pokemon Franchise.
- MegaTen Demonologist: A Let's Play sub-series all about games from the Shin Megami Tensei series and it's spin-offs.
- Final Fantasist: A Let's Play sub-series focusing on the single-player Final Fantasy games (this means I'm NOT including the MMORPGs in the series).
- Role-Playing Gamer: A Let's Play sub-series that covers pretty much everything that doesn't fall under the influence of the other series.
- Shimohi
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