Saturday, November 30, 2013

Visual Novelist: Hakuoki ~Memories of the Shinsengumi~ #7 - Tomatos in the Mirror with a Wham Moment.

Wow! There were quite a bit of searches for this game that lead to this blog! (Too bad that happened during the NaNoWriMo hiatus.) Oh well, at least because of that, this post is going to be the first of the December the first Mega Publish Event! (Let's get this Japanese game obsession on the way already!)

Warning!: This is based upon a game that's rated M for Blood, Drug References, Strong Language, Suggestive (read 'Sexual') themes, and Violence. If any of these things offend you, don't click on the link.

Visual Novelist: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney #9 - |-|15 l1p5 4|-3 |\/|0\/1|\|9.

(Okay, can you explain that weird post title!?) It's in L337-5p34|<. (Or "Leet-speak" for those of you not fluent in that language.) And, yes, that detail's going to be relevant soon. As for the post title, that translates as "His lips are moving."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

From the New World the First Impressions

I've heard interesting things about this series, mostly in the form of it being a crapsaccharine world, so let's see if any of what I heard even has a grain of truth to it...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Severing Crime Edge the First Impressions

Hello! I'm just now publishing this post, even though I watched the first episode during the NaNoWriMo Hiatus, I've just kept this post in draft form 'till the beginning of December. Now, let's start this (belated) record of my..."first impressions" of this particular series...

Kuroko no Basket Season 2 the First Impressions

I've just seen the first episode of the latest season of Kuroko no Basket (Or "Kuroko's Basketball" if you're going by Crunchy Roll titles), and seeing Taiga Kagami trying to eat with his chopsticks in his left hand (as practice, of course) gave me an idea for me to do the same to hopefully improve on my typing skills. Except for me that would mean eating with my chopsticks in my right hand... yes, I'm left-handed. But past the jump break is what I thought about the first episode of the second season of this show...

Friday, November 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo Hiatus Notice.

Any and all sub-series will be put on hold for the entire month of November so that Shimohi can work on this years project for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. See you at the beginning of December!