Tuesday, April 26, 2016

RPGamer: Undertale - #2 Holding Hands

Okay, there might be something to this kind of Let's Play format. (Yeah. But... *looks down* Really, Shimo!? Really!? I know you know how combat works.) Someday, there will be a flashback to why I'm playing the game this way.

Notice: Okay, I'm not sure how to rate this game, as far as official content is concerned. As for how what sort of antics me and my characters get up to...let's just go with PG (Movie rating style), or E for Everyone (ESRB rating)...I'm going to have to sensor Akurei's language if it comes to that.
TL;DR: This might be okay for kids, still, reader discretion advised.


(I still find it rather silly, or even stupid, that you'd leave candy behind for "other monsters" that aren't going to pick up that candy at all.) You remember when I went to this one metaphysical shop that had this "fairy gift" basket...? (You mean where you can take something from the basket so long as you leave something else in it?) Yeah that. (Why're you bringing this up?) 'Cause I listen to instructions like that in meatspace. That's why. (And next time, we'll get into some actual... Not interrupted by GoatMom... Encounters. But Shimo will insist on taking the pacifist route anyway. *disgruntled grumbling*)

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