Sunday, November 17, 2013

From the New World the First Impressions

I've heard interesting things about this series, mostly in the form of it being a crapsaccharine world, so let's see if any of what I heard even has a grain of truth to it...

Wow, just, wow... First, I see a kid RIP A DOOR OFF A CAR from the INSIDE with only his MIND! Then people start blowing up left and right. And then...

We see our protagonist wake up to a bunch of random things floating and moving around apparently on their own, her parents are relieved. And then she goes through this initiation ceremony that rather creepily resembles brainwashing too much for my tastes.

Yeah... maybe it's the fact that I knew about all that crap going in, but there were several moments (I don't feel like describing every single one of those moments) but I keep getting the impression that if you don't develop psychic powers, you're killed. If you disobey the rules, either "monsters" will kill you or (what I think is actually happening) the other members of the community will kill you.

I mean, what with the kids who "never graduate" from that Elementary School and the whole "impure cat" story and such. Yeah... I'd most definitely call this "New World" a Crapsack one. But... might as well see just how this series ends, but I don't think it'll be a happy ending for most of the characters.

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